Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Sun rays and Saturdays

Hello! Most of my readers know about my Instagram account @faithandliv with my friend Olivia. We are working extra hard to make sure we get together more so our followers can get more content from the both of us. On Saturday we went to our favorite restaurant in Greenville, Chico's. Then, we grabbed Starbucks and did a quick live that was narrated by Olivia's sister Stella.  We went uptown to take some outfit pictures. Our nine year old sisters did all the photography which was interesting, but it turned out to be pretty adorable.

Monday, August 7, 2017

What I Learned Competing at Miss North Carolina's Outstanding Teen

I have been MIA since March in preparation for the Miss North Carolina's Outstanding Teen pageant, and today I want to share what I have learned throughout this journey.

 1. Never miss out on an opportunity to grow. 

 Competing at a state level pageant, especially in the Miss America system can be time consuming. With the busy schedule of a titleholder there are times when I really didn't  feel like going certain events, but God has shown me this year that he has a purpose for the small steps along the way to our goals. Some of the opportunities I almost missed out on this year have been extremely rewarding and essential to me being my best self. So step out of your comfort zone, push through the nerves, and enjoy every moment.

 2. Nothing is more rewarding that watching hard work pay off.

More work than people realize goes into every aspect of pageantry. This year I rehearsed my talent with four different coaches, participated in practice interviews, worked on my modeling, collected books for my platform, filled out paperwork and resumes, and worked out for the fitness competition. I made a lot of sacrifices, and there were times when I doubted whether or not it was worth it. When pageant week came along, there was no doubt in my mind that the experience was worth every second of preparation. The bonds I have with my sister queens from a long week of rehearsing and lots of down by the river games are invaluable. Working with the fabulous Miss North Carolina choreographers and producers was incredible. Getting to be a part of the show that inspired me to compete was nothing short of y wildest dreams.


  3. Always be you.

When competing against 46 talented young women what makes you different makes you stand out, and you have to market yourself to the judges. I have had to learn to love my flaws so that I can show others my 100% authentic self. I can now say I am proud to be the nerdy, classical music loving, awkward dancing, popcorn eating, Jeopardy watching Faith May. So don't be afraid to embrace your little quirks because you are wonderfully made.

 4. When it's your time, it's your time.

I believe that God won't let me miss out on any opportunity that is meant for me. Sometimes even when you do your absolute best God has a different plan. After competing for a year without winning a preliminary title I was discouraged and frustrated with God. I wondered why I wasn't succeeding. Looking back I know I was not ready yet to compete at the state level, and I'm grateful God had a bigger and better plan for me. That is why I try to give myself grace and remember that God always has my back and knows what's best for me.

Miss North Carolina's Outstanding Teen, Marissa Garrison.

5. Service and relationship give life purpose.

My favorite experiences throughout my journey in the Miss America Organization are those of service. The moments I'll truly remember forever are spending time with special needs children, reading to elementary schools, and getting to be a role model for younger girls. What I'm most proud of is not an award but that I got to meet the sweetest man in a nursing home, and be a part of the life of a little girl with brittle bones disease.

I've learned so much more than how to walk in heels and perform, I have learned that service and relationships are the most important things in life.
